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Powerful antioxidants supporting cell protection.

Protects vulnerable DNA from damage, while also serving as a key factor in proper detoxification.

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Liposomal Gluthathione


  • Liposomal Gluthathione™ is a unique blend of GABA and L-theanine to support mental calm and a healthy response to burnout.

  • The ingredients are formulated with liposomal technology. Liposomes are spheres made of phospholipids—the primary building blocks of cell membranes. 


  • Nutrients delivered in liposomal form is absorbed by the body easily and immediately. 

  • Non-GMO, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free and Science based formula. 


Protection against free radicals.

Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the body. It helps protect cells against oxidative stress from dietary and environmental free radicals as well as those resulting from normal metabolic processes.

Glutathione protects vulnerable DNA from damage, while also serving as a key factor in proper detoxification.


The Science 

Glutathione is a crucial molecule synthesized inside every cell in the human body. It is composed of three amino acids (glutamine, cysteine and glycine), and is found in the highest levels in the liver, eyes, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.


It is a key factor in the liver’s natural detoxification function, helping to bind heavy metals, neutralize toxins and support healthy immune function. It is also the single most protective antioxidant produced by the body and is therefore the most important for protecting cells against oxidative stress from dietary and environmental free radicals as well as those resulting from normal metabolic processes.







How to have it?

  • ​As a dietary supplement, take 1 mL (approx. 2 pumps) and hold in mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing.


  • The very small size of the liposome particles allows for some absorption to take place right away. 

Why we love it! 

Glutathione is critical for energy production and for proper functioning of the mitochondria, which are nicknamed the “powerhouses of the cell,” because they generate the majority of cellular energy. The body’s ability to make this all-important molecule declines with age—precisely when we need its protective properties the most.

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Liposomal Gluthathione


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Our  Philosophy.


Our products are non-GMO and free of toxic preservatives and additives. Dairy, soy, and gluten-free where possible. Always sustainably and responsibly sourced.  



Our formulas are pharmaceutical grade - which means that we only use high-grade raw ingredients. 

Triple tested for efficacy, no fillers and potency verified by independent labs in Europe and the US and are certified Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) as well as FDA (USA) verified.

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