Straits Market- why we love them + free delivery!

We are thrilled to announce we have found an excellent supplier of fish in Singapore. We recently visited the lovely Lalya at Straits Market to find out more about the fish she stocks. Until we found Straits Market, we have struggled with finding quality, fresh white fish that we can trust.
For first deliveries Straits Market has offered us free delivery:
Use code: freedlvfromb
Besides how amazingly fresh it is and how it is the best tasting fish we have tried in Singapore we were also happy to learn :
- Free from hormones, pesticides, chemicals and No preventive antibiotics
- GAP and Friends of the Sea certified – sustainably farmed
- Farm-to-table quality – they harvest at 6 am according to your order on the day of delivery
- Farmed in the ocean but on a floating fish farm in large containers
- Constant ocean water monitoring, filtered up to 5 microns, to ensure stress-free fish growth. The floating farm protects against plankton blooms, viral and bacterial diseases a common occurrence in net farming practices. Once the water is filtered and exposed to UV light, almost all harmful pathogens are eliminated. Thus, no preventive antibiotics, and other chemical treatments are needed
- Fast water exchange in the tanks allow the fish to swim freely decreasing stress. No growth hormones or genetically modified species are used at any time.
- Filtration decreases micro plastics in the size range of 3-5 microns. The filtered ocean water in our containers are clear and clean.
- Harvesting is performed at up to 8 months which make the fish less likely susceptible to bioaccumulation of heavy metals, i.e., mercury.
- Humane harvesting method which stop hormones from being released into the flesh, in turn, affecting the taste of the fish
- High quality fish feed and natural, fresh, smaller fish from the sea.
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