Make Your Own Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is so easy to make. A lot of the commercial brands come in BPA lined tins and have preservatives and stabilisers we simply could do without. It literally takes 5 minutes to make your own.
In our climate it stores well for about 1- 2 days in the fridge and 2-3 months in the freezer. We often freeze it into ice cubes so we can easily add it to smoothies, curries and soups.
4 cups filtered water
1.5 cups unsweetened coconut flakes. (top tip: head to Tekka wet market- where you can get the flesh from the fresh coconut)
1. Heat the water until it is warm, not boiling.
2. Add the coconut flakes and water and blend on high speed for several minutes. Let it rest for 2 minutes and blend again.
3. Pour the mixture through a cheesecloth or a tea strainer to separate the remaining fibre. (If you don’t mind the texture sometimes we skip this skip- it works great in smoothies but is noticeable in curries and smooth soups)
4. Use straight away or store in the fridge for 1-2 days, you can also freeze into ice cubes ready for smoothies and soups.