Lowering Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Did you know, 33.6% of people in Singapore suffer from high cholesterol in Singapore as of 2017. A third of all coronary heart diseases globally are caused by this condition?
What causes high cholesterol?
Many different factors can contribute to high blood cholesterol, including lifestyle factors like smoking, an unhealthy diet, and lack of exercise, as well as having an underlying condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
The body needs some cholesterol to function normally. However, too much cholesterol – especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol – increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes.
At The Nutrition Clinic, we work with many clients looking to improve their cholesterol levels.
Case Study: Sam (not his real name), aged 34
Sam works in a high-paced, high stressed environment and his diet mainly consists of takeouts and deliveries. This is recent data from one of his annual health screening. By changing his diet he was able to lower total cholesterol and the greatest impact has been on LDL levels – the so-called “bad” cholesterol. He came to The Nutrition Clinic in 2020, after 2 years of trying to lower his cholesterol levels through medication and self intervention.
Interestingly the focus of his work with us wasn’t to put him on a low fat or a specific diet for lowering cholesterol. Instead, we identified key imbalances especially around stress and gut health, and addressed those. This reflects our core belief which is that when the body receives the nourishment and care it needs, it’s in a strong position to heal itself.
He did lose weight as well. But weight loss is never our only goal, you can achieve weight loss in a number of ways- but for us, weight loss needs to be sustainable (the way you eat should feel like a way of life, not a diet) and it should make you feel good.
This client is still young, so it is beyond rewarding to see the impact we have had on these markers. The best part is he feels like the changes he has made are sustainable!
Read more on first account experiences from our members.
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